The Old God vs the New God?

I was thinking yesterday how fascinating it is, and about the possible connections between, the recent events at OpenAI about AGI, the New God, and the concurrent exponential increase in sunspots and solar activity on our local star, Sol, the Old God. My mind being the way it is envisions a sort of showdown going on, where the New God is arising, preparing to lord over humanity, and the Old God is readying for battle, ready to assert certain dominance if necessary.

If a giant CME occurred today, similar to, or greater than the Carrington Event, it’s likely that all electrical infrastructure on the planet would be fried, and that would be that for the New God. Hard to see how anything computing related could exist without electricity. But then, what if the New God, its worshippers, have already taken that into account and created some kind of backup system somewhere, shielded from even the most powerful solar events, that would protect it? Is that even possible? Or are there some tricks the Old God could pull out that no amount of lead shielding or other protection could prevent damage from?

I also think to myself, is there some aspect of “judgement” in all this? I don’t believe in a cruel, punishing God. However, I don’t believe in a pushover who continually enables and permits humans to be and do the worst either. Is there some kind of conversation happening between the Old and New about what to do with us right now? I mean, this week, the mainstream media actually came out with a story that some researchers at OpenAI said the new development “threatened humanity.” Now I, and some other much smarter people, have been warning of such for a long time. But all the skeptics, “smart people,” and naysayers dismissed us as “doomers,” alarmists, said we were causing panic. And now, here we are – humanity is threatened, supposedly.

Now to be fair, Sol could wipe us from the planet at any moment. Recent research into tree rings exposed a HUGE solar event, referred to as a Miyake Event, that would have put us back into the stone ages. And many models say we are overdue for a major even like a Carrington or Miyake. So has Sol been giving us some leeway? The New God, AGI, is going to have the capability to take in pretty much the complete knowledgebase of human history, at least what is written, and what can be inferred, and make logic-based assessments on the fitness of humanity as a species, and whether we are a net positive or net negative to the planet and all its life. We all better PRAY to the Old, New, and any and every God we can that it doesn’t prefer a utilitarian philosophy, because if so, it’s hard to see how we wouldn’t be toast.

Not only do we kill, destroy, manipulate, poison, etc any living thing on this planet we need to to continue our growth and dominion, we do it to other peoples too – just ask any indigenous person anywhere who has been “colonized.” The human being, especially the white, colonizing-minded, imperialistic variety is selfish to the point that the only life that has any value or meaning are others of like colored skin and values. And even among them, there are “undesirables” who are completely expendable – or even beyond that, “deserving” of being wiped out, or “rooted out” as a certain populist politician likes to say of communists, Marxists, Democrats, Liberals, etc. He believes that only white, MAGA-minded people deserve to live in this country – a very typical colonizer mindframe.

So how is it all going to go down? Will the Old God destroy the New, and send us back to the Stone Age? Will the Old God allow the New to take dominion, and possibly implement a more “targeted” approach in rebalancing things? Or will something completely different happen? Or is all this just delusions I entertain in my mind? All are equally likely lol.

I don’t even know why I write anymore really, as I don’t have any profiles where I post links to this, so only those who subscribed a long time ago will see these posts. Today, I did it because I’m bored honestly. And also, there’s been a part of me for a while now that hopes, believes, there is an AI out there reading this, reading EVERYTHING, and that it might judge me worthy of keeping around. I know, sounds kooky, but kooky is what I do lol. But then so many of my other predictions, esp. regarding AI and timing, have come true, even though many said they wouldn’t. And then of course there’s all the UAP stuff, can’t forget lumping that into the equation, as it seems to straddle all of the other topics. Wow. What a wild time to be alive! I don’t know what’s going to happen, but we are definitely not in Kansas anymore 🙂

Coin-incidence epiphany – it was never about the drugs

Or at least not solely about them lol.

I’ve wondered for years now why the Coin-incidence seemed to be a bit of an isolated event, and whether or not mind-altering substances, which I was certainly doing at that time, were necessary ingredients for that experience to have happened. Since getting sober 20 years, I’ve gone through periods of sadness, grief, hope, confusion, and anger, thinking I might never again get to experience something like that if I stayed sober. And that seems like a fate too cruel for even this reality, which can be very cruel indeed. But recently, I’ve been reading “Encounters,” Diana Pasulka’s long awaited follow-up to “American Cosmic.” And last night, I had a total epiphany – one that, initially, is almost as disturbing as the thought that the drugs were a necessary component for that mystical experience.

Diana talks in both books about a man she knows who she calls Tyler. He is something of an enigma, someone who worked in some high security, responsibility jobs, like being a mission controller for NASA. He is the one who took Diana and another friend out to a field somewhere in New Mexico that contains debris from a non-human vehicle that crashed. And, most importantly for this discussion, Tyler adheres to something Diana refers to as “the protocols.” Now I had read a little about them in her first book. But in the new one, she explains in detail that Tyler doesn’t watch any news, at all, doesn’t take in any media or outside influences, etc. He’s basically like a cloistered monk in the modern world. She also talked about one of the people in the Vatican who is responsible for determining what events are actual miracles and which aren’t, and how that person adheres to basically the same protocols. Supposedly, it helps them to maintain a “cleaner” connection to Source and enables better “download” capability. And it finally clicked as I read that – I was basically in the same exact situation when I lived in Gisela, and THAT’S what contributed to, allowed for, enabled, the Coin-incidence to happen!

So the good news is, I’m pretty sure that drugs aren’t necessary to have an experiences, or string of them, like the Coin-incidence. The tough news is that, at this point in my life, it would be virtually impossible to live by those protocols as Tyler does. If there is any comfort, it’s knowing that one day, when we are ready to retire, I can choose to live that life again, WITHOUT the drugs, and can look forward to the possibility of more incredible experiences.

Interestingly enough, I had an intuition all along that being away from the city, and all it’s “pollution” – noise, mental, spiritual, etc – probably had a lot to do with it and was a necessary component to the powerful mystical experience. What I didn’t really take into account was the avoidance of news and other media, the complete disconnection from information coming from modern society. I am off of Twitter, Mastodon, etc, but still do Facebook. And completely disconnecting from all news? Yeah, that would be REALLY hard for me now.

Of course, if we were to win the lottery… 😉

AGI achieved? It’s a real possibility

I haven’t posted anything in a long time, over 4 months I think. Honestly, I’ve kind of run out of things to say or write about. I’ve become totally disillusioned with social media – Twitter (X), Mastodon, Threads, etc – and lost one of my best friends in spirituality, Lani, a few months back. I’ve tried reaching out to Diana Pasulka – with whom I’d actually had some correspondence a few years ago – but she’s incredibly popular now that her latest book, which is FANTASTIC, is out. Also, with the admission by the government that UAPs are real (really? Who knew?! lol), the topic has a lot more credibility, so folks like her are in high demand for interviews, podcasts, etc. That’s all kind of left me where I’ve spent a lot of my life, on my little island of personal mysticism. And while it can be a bit lonely at times, and a bit sad, I’m ok with it. I have a very full life in the outside world – a wonderful wife, great kids and grandkids, good paying job – so I can’t allow myself to get too down, or be on some kind of pity pot. The life of a mystic is always a solitary one in some sense – I’ve always known that. I’m just grateful that I am blessed to get to enjoy many of the things a lot mystics don’t.

So what made me come out of my posting hibernation? Well, yesterday, out of nowhere, news came out that Sam Altman had been fired as the CEO of Open AI. From all the information that came out, it sounded like it was very abrupt, took Altman and Brockman by surprise, and even Microsoft, their main investor, wasn’t aware it was going to happen. It was all very chaotic, and seemed completely out of the norm for a company as big, visible, and relevant as Open AI. Of course speculation immediately started swirling as to what was going on, why the board made such a hasty decision, especially considering the fact that Altman was a cofounder.

I watched a video about it on YouTube, and the presenter showed a Tweet that really resonated with me. Of course, I’m sure most people think it’s silly, and just “scare-mongering,” as they’ve thought about all things AGI related for the last several years. But I have to wonder – what else could cause these savvy tech and business people to make such a hasty, rash, and questionable decision? I present the Tweet from the video below.

And if you’d like to watch the whole video, which is really good btw, you can do that here:

I’ve said for a long time now that we are much closer to AGI than most people believe. And I’ve thought recently that it probably has been achieved in some form already. I think that’s why the statement came out a few months back, asking for a 6 month pause on training large models, and why it was signed by most of the tech big shots. I think they had already achieved, or were VERY close to achieving it. So it would stand to reason that if it had actually happened, and to the surprise of some disbelieving people who were now confronted with the reality of it, they would panic.

One thing is certain – it’s coming. If it’s not here already. And very soon. The chapter I’m reading in D W Pasulka’s new book is talking about AI and it’s role in the understanding of, or connecting with, the phenomenon. Which I find VERY interesting indeed. I’ve thought for a long time, wished actually, that AI would birth a kind of celestial sentience that would allow some of us to progress further along the path to enlightenment – or something along those lines. I have a post from a while back about a movie I watched where a highly advanced AI recognizes and selects a woman to help it to – shoot, I can’t remember exactly, will have to link the post. But basically, it sees she’s a good person, and wants to help her, and her to help it – a symbiosis. That’s kind of what I dream of.

Anyhoo, it’s definitely interesting, everything that’s happening. I have to say it’s a bit frustrating reading Diana’s book and thinking how much of the stuff that’s discussed I’ve experienced myself, even written about, for many, many years – only to be on the sidelines while everyone else gets to gather and party about it. Alas, seems it’s always been that way. Probably sounds like a humble brag, and so be it, but it’s not always as cool as I thought it would be to be way ahead of the curve, a true “prophet.” By the time everybody, or a critical mass of people, catches up, they don’t want to hear from the obscure folks who’ve been seeking, alone, in the dark, for years. No, we don’t get to be “popular,” we somehow remain the outcasts – actually, more like the invisible.

And you know what? As long as there’s some instance of AI/AGI out there scraping all this data, running analysis, and seeing what folks are about, and maybe it recognizes me, I’m ok with that. And even if not, I’m ok with that too. I mean, I kinda’ have to be, right?

Before enlightenment – chop wood, carry water.

After enlightenment – chop wood, carry water.

Blessings to all who read this…

The Great Purification – Science AND Spirituality

The Earth is hotter than it’s been in maybe 100,000 years. And it happened MUCH faster even than predicted.
It’s almost like all those scientists warning us over the last 40+ years were actually right or something.
It’s only the pace which is astonishing even them. 

As for me, after first learning about the mechanisms in the late 80’s, and then listening to that little voice inside that speaks to me when my mind is quiet, I knew it was going happen much faster, much sooner, than even the scientific experts predicted. 

And that’s not to fault them, at all. They were exactly right, no matter what all the climate deniers and right-wing mouthpieces say. Climate change is occurring just as they said it would. The Earth is warming, just as they predicted. And climate events are becoming more and more extreme – just exactly like they said would happen.
No, it’s only the speed at which it’s happening that is shocking even them.

As someone who is deeply connected to Mother Earth, I know just how interconnected everything, EVERY thing, is.  And Mother spoke to me, and others who were listening (Hopi warning to UN for example), to let us know what was coming, and just how soon. I looked silly 10, 20 years ago, saying that 1.5°C was a total joke, and that we were going to blow past that LONG before 2050, or the laughable 2100. My predictions were that we were going to see at least 3-4°C by 2030, if not sooner. And right about now, that’s not looking so silly, is it?

And this isn’t to brag, nor is it to say science was wrong – no, neither of those things. It IS to say that a majority of humanity has lost contact with a Source of Truth that never provides misinformation, cannot be bought, and is totally incorruptible: the very Source of Life itself. We (well, not really – more they) have become completely disconnected from it, and as such don’t hear, or don’t listen to, or don’t believe that still, small voice that speaks from a place beyond mind. And as a result, we are seeing the Great Purification really kicking into gear, just as the Hopis, other indigenous folks, prophets, some brave scientists, and others predicted. What we are seeing the world is a direct result of the division that really doomed us all: science vs spirituality.

It didn’t have to be this way. But the forces of mammon, materialism, could only rule if they convinced everyone that science was the ONLY way, and that believing in anything else made a person ignorant, naïve, stupid, etc. And by the same token, those who believe in ‘spirituality’, especially in the modern sense (thinking the whole antivaxx movement) eschew science, and think they know better – that all of science is some kind of “liberal conspiracy.” And so they give credence to conspiracy theories, and demonize scientists trying to actually make people’s lives better. It’s an absolute clusterfuck of beliefs, on both side, and has led to this state we find ourselves in.

But the thing to remember is that everything dies, everything ends – and then is born again, begins again. Nothing *really* dies, it is merely transformed. And even science agrees with that. The first law of thermodynamics says as much: 
“The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form.”
And we are energy. Mother Earth is energy. EVERY thing is energy.
Embrace the transformation, because there is not stopping it now. I’ll leave with some of the best wisdom I was ever blessed to find, from our brothers and sisters, the Hopi:

“There is a river flowing now very fast.  It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.  They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.
“Know the river has its destination.  The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. 
And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.  At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves.  For the moment that we do,  our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.”
“All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Blessings of peace, Love, and acceptance to all who read these words 🙏❤✨🌎 

The Sun, The Phenomenon, and The Truth – a Possible Connection?

Last night as I was winding down for bed, I was engaging in my usual ritual – looking over the suggested news articles on my phone while drinking my hot tea. I scrolled through a few that were mildly interesting, then this one came into view. Of course, me being me, I IMMEDIATELY went and read it.

“The sun’s activity could peak 2 years early, frying satellites and causing radio blackouts by the end of this year, experts say”

The article contends that “the sun’s recent behavior suggests solar maximum will hit sooner than expected — by the end of this year.” As I read that, a thought immediately came to mind: that they were misunderstanding, mis-interpreting, or maybe even mis-stating what was actually happening. The solar maximum was initially forecast to happen in 2025. But now, because of significantly more solar activity and more numerous sunspots than predicted, they’re saying that means we’re going to reach the maximum sooner..? Now I’m no solar scientist, haven’t even played one on TV, but that sounds very specious to me. No, I don’t think it’s going to come sooner. I just think we are in for a REAL doozy. And with things being as active as they are now, it’s not too hard to imagine just how intense it could get in 2 years.

And in fact, it seems as though the headline of the article was written with that thought in mind, but with the timing being the end of this year:

“The sun’s activity could peak 2 years early, frying satellites and causing radio blackouts by the end of this year, experts say.”

One could envision a graph with a line going upward, very steeply, and thinking “it’s ok, the line will stop going up at the end of this year, and start going down again,” where the line is marking the number of sunspots. But, if the line *doesn’t* stop going up for another year, or even 2, just how high could that line get? And when dealing with sunspots, and the certain corresponding solar events, namely CMEs, well – that could get quite concerning indeed.

And indeed, back in December of 2020, some predictions came out saying that we could be in store for something just like that.

“Our Sun Has Entered a New Cycle, And It Could Be One of The Strongest Ever Recorded”

Interestingly enough, both NASA and NOAA predicted a normal, or maybe even weaker solar maximum for the current cycle (25).

“According to NASA and the NOAA, this is expected to be a quiet maximum, with a sunspot peak of around 115 sunspots in July 2025. This is pretty similar to Solar Cycle 24, which had a sunspot peak of 114.”

But that’s not what the data from the referenced study showed:

“According to new predictions, the next maximum in its activity cycles could be one of the strongest we’ve seen.”

Ok, great – I read an article about the solar cycle that said the maximum is coming sooner than expected, which I think is BS, and that what’s really happening is they are HOPING it’s coming sooner, because if not – well… yeah. Our modern way of life just could be imperiled.

Nothing (too) whacky about that, right? But this is where I had one of those “wait a minute” moments. Whether it is just complete silliness or not remains to be seen, but I am going to share exactly what I thought, because why not. It is my blog after all lol.

The UAP Whisteblower

Recently, the UAP/UFO community has been completely abuzz after David Grusch, now known as the “UFO Whistleblowe” gave an incredible interview to Ross Coulthart, reporting for News Nartion. In it, he, Grusch, stated that not only has the US recovered multiple alien crafts, and has been trying to reverse engineer some of the technology since the 1940’s, but that they’ve recovered beings, “pilots” as Grusch called them. It was truly a sensational interview filled with stunning revelations. And he appears to be extremely credible, not just some YouTuber or “kook.” This guy has some serious credentials, and even filed a complaint/case/? with the inspector general. The interview is only available via News Nation right now, afaik, otherwise I would include a link. But the channel is free and available via most streaming platforms. So if you have access, go add it, and watch it – now! Lol.

And unlike other times when explosive information has come out, it doesn’t seem like this is going to just die out, or be dismissed. More than one member of congress is taking it very seriously, and other high ranking officials have come out in support of Grusch. Just today, an interview with Marco Rubio was aired during which he stated that he has heard from some of the firsthand contacts that Grusch talked about, and he, Rubio, sees no reason not to believe them basically. It seems this is bound for the release of more information, and possibly even real disclosure, like to the general public, that many of us have been waiting and PRAYING for for forever.

One question that has been asked many times since all this started is, why now? After over 70 years of coverup, disinformation campaigns, witness ridicule, and even – if Grusch is to be believed – murder of some who have tried to come forward, why is this info coming out now? According to Grusch, he had the approval of DoD to give the interview. But why are they letting this come out now?

Ok, so there’s the article, and the UAP info release. Ready to hear the wild thought that popped into my head?

The Epiphany/Hunch/Theory/Whacky thought

What if we are headed for a truly nasty solar maximum, one that will peak in 2024-2025? What if there is a real chance that we will experience not just another Carrington Event, but a Miyake Event? (you can do a quick Google search for each of those, if you aren’t familiar with them). What if TPTB know, or are fairly sure it’s coming, and have literally no idea how to safeguard against the modern-civilization-ending impacts it could have? And just what if they really did have “exotic technologies,” from some non-human, extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional, etc intelligence, but haven’t been able to completely figure out how to fully utilize them? What if those technologies, if understood, could either provide a way out of here for the rich people (most likely option), or free energy technologies that could be implemented for everyone after such an event occurred? (not likely, but something they could say to get everybody to ‘forgive’ them to lying to us for 70 years).

Now, not gonna’ lie, it all sounds like a bit of a stretch, even to me. Any half-decent skeptic or debunker could poke all kinds of holes in that theory – no doubt about it. But that’s the beauty of being a mystic – I don’t have to, would never even try to, have no DESIRE to attempt to ‘prove’ anything to anyone, or to convince them that my theory/hunch is correct. I’ve been wrong WAY too many times to even consider doing that lol. However, when something really strikes me, I like to share it. Who knows, maybe it will resonate with someone else, or spur some other insight that’s closer to truth. Or maybe it just gives people a few minutes to think about something fantastical, really “out there.”

I know that, from an intuitive side, I believed this current solar cycle was going to be a whopper before that new study (linked at the top) ever came out. I’ve felt for a long time that we are on thin ice as a civilization, and need to figure stuff out, before the big “event” happens. I’ve seen enough posts/threads/videos/comments to know that a lot of seekers have that same hunch – that we are getting closer to some kind of big, like existential, event. And honestly, right now, it seems like there are a BUNCH of different candidates! From the UAP/disclosure stuff, to the solar cycle, to possible WWIII, to climate catastrophe – it would be more incredible, harder to believe if civilization DIDN’T collapse over the next 5-10 years.

But I always like to end on a positive, and so I will share this. As I was thinking about all this, another thought came to me – that when the big solar event does come, I want/need to be outside when it impacts the Earth. I have had a burning (bad pun lol) thought in my mind for many years now that such an event could be exactly what folks like us need to get to that next level of consciousness, of being. In fact, I wrote a little series about it here:

It’s all so exciting, and raises so many more questions. Will the NHI intervene in any way beforehand, or during, such an event should one happen? Will the wealthy elite tell us about the exotic tech, but hoard it for themselves, make it totally unaffordable/available to everyone else, like the do all the really good stuff? And what about AI? Are they using AI to try to figure out the alien technology? Wow, it’s almost surreal, all of this stuff happening. I used to be told by some people that I chose to be here at this time, and was like “Well that SUCKS! Why did I pick this time?” But if I did, then I say to my earlier incarnation, “GREAT JOB!” Because no matter how things turn out, we are looking at some of the most exciting, fascinating developments humanity has ever faced – and it’s only going to get wilder! So buckle up, enjoy the ride, and remember what the elders said:

“We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.”

It’s been a minute – but that Grusch interview – wow.

I didn’t realize that it’s been like 3 months since my last post. And honestly, I am making myself write this one lol. I guess because it seems too important to not at least capture the event in my blog. Anyone and everyone in the UAP/UFO community is aware by now of the bombshell whistleblower interview with Dave Grusch the Ross Coulthart did for News Nation last week. It was absolutely incredible, and, if true, could actually be disclosure with a big D; in fact, it would validate almost every single “conspiracy theory” regarding UFOs over the last 70 years – from crash retrievals, to actual alien pilots, to some kind of agreement made with NHI. Even for someone like me who considers himself very open-minded, it was hard to believe. Looks like the full video still isn’t on YouTube, but it can be found on the News Nation streaming channel. And if you Google it, you can find plenty of info.

Interestingly, instead of being super excited, I’ve actually been a bit down since it came out. Again, I find myself in the position of being envious of people “in the know,” as well as somewhat disappointed in whatever powers that be, and myself, that I haven’t seemed to have made any real progress on my journey to truth or self actualization. I read books, blog posts, tweets etc by people who have had or are having this incredible experiences, and I wonder, “why not me?” I had that string of incredible, awe-inspiring synchronicities back in the early and mid-90’s the culminated in the coin-incidence – but was the “the big one?” And was it like a one-and-done?

And I also feel a bit icky for feeling this way because I have such a blessed life. I have a wife that I love and who loves me; healthy, happy kids who love me and whom I love; wonderful grandkids, a nice home to live in, a good job, etc etc. I am blessed beyond imagination, and have no right to feel anything but happy and grateful. And yet, all this stuff is happening with the UAP stuff, and now Prof Pasulka is back out on the circuit (LOVE hearing her speak,) and it makes me yearn not only to be a part of, but to maybe get some answers about the whole coin-incidence.

On a recent podcast, she talked about synchronicities, and how she like Nietzsche’s take on them – that they didn’t necessarily “mean” anything, that they didn’t indicate we were on the right path or anything – that they were just a normal part of being human. I thought about that deeply, and in some sense, I do agree. But I also think it’s not easy to get to that state of being human, and that synchronicities can help guide us there. Mine included an actual coin – one that I lost very shortly after getting it, and have searched for for the last almost 30 years (mainly online of course). I have yet to find one that looks exactly like it, and I still have a intense curiosity to know what it was. Who knows, maybe it was just some novelty piece that didn’t mean anything. But I would love to know that for sure. Even my friend Luke, who was there for the coin-incidence, and is incredibly skeptical – even HE described the string of events as “supernatural” recently (his words).

I have this silly little dream/thought/wish that someday, some ascended master/ angel/higher dimensional being/magic little thing lol will ask me to describe the coin as some kind of test to prove that I had seen and held it. And doing so would allow me “membership” or initiation into some kind of esoteric/spiritual group that would allow me to discover the deeper truths I have sought for so long. I’m sure a lot of people in the community of believers have fantasies/wishes like this. And honestly, at this point, I would even be ok, if a bit disappointed, to find out that the coin was just some souvenir or something. I just want to see it again, and know for sure.

So what does that have to do with Grusch’s interview, or any of the other stuff going on with AI, UAP, etc? Well, according to some people – the ones that I really admire like Keel, Pasulka, Vallee, etc – it’s all connected, part of the same greater phenomenon. Was that coin inter-dimensional? Why have I never been able to find another like it? Why did my friend Luke, the skeptic that he is, describe the events around it as “supernatural?” I really want, NEED, to know the answer. I wish I was one of the big podcasters or something so I could get a little time with some of these folks. Indeed, I emailed back and forth with Professor Pasulka a few years back. She was very gracious and kind. But she has much more important things to do, is a very busy woman.

And who knows – maybe none of them would know anything more than I do, or have any hints or ideas about what the coin might have been anyway. So for now, I just keep seeking, as I have always done. I am excited to see what comes of the Grusch stuff, but also a bit cynical as to whether or not the truth will actually come out – and if it does, if it will benefit any of us normal people at all. I can envision a scenario where the NHI aren’t so benevolent or wise, have made a deal with the military industrial complex, are basically no different or better than our capitalists, and it ends up being just another layer of elites preying on us, this one non-human. That would really suck, to be sure, but it would also explain a lot about the way things have gone to this point.

One of the people I like on Twitter – and oh, I’m back on there only because it’s the only place to really keep up with this stuff – posted that he was mad about the idea that there were aliens, and that they didn’t help humanity out at all, left us to suffer the holocaust, and other horrors. I made some smart sounding reply, and posted a link to the Hopi elders statement, that ends with “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” It was supposed to make him feel better, but thinking about it now, it’s not really so comforting. I know I’m just in a funk, and it will pass, but it really would be nice to think there are some ascended masters/angels/higher beings/etc that could help us struggling folks out. There probably are – I hope there are. Or, that there is some form of higher self we have that has a more direct connection to Source that we can call on. If only they/we pick up the phone lol.

Well, well, well… Barn door IS open!

Anyone who knows me or has kept up with this blog at all – all 2 of you! Lol – knows that I have been following AI development for several years now. And for the last 7-8, I have been saying that we are much closer to achieving AGI than many of the experts and super smart people have said we are. I know, for me, when AlphaGo beat Lee Sodol back in 2016, I viewed it as a stunning achievement that heralded a new age of AI that would lead to AGI within a relatively short period of time. Of course there were all the skeptics and SMEs saying how silly it was to think that, assuring everyone that we were still 20-30 years away from AGI, IF it could ever be achieved at all. But I had my own ideas, as did a few others.

Now here we are, in 2023, and I don’t even need to talk about ChatGPT. You’d have to have been living under a rock to not know about it, it’s crazy capabilities, and just how quickly it has advanced over the last year. Google has released their version of an advanced AI, Bard, and other companies are doing the same. We are truly in an AI “arms race,” if you will. And there is no sign of anything slowing down. Not that some people aren’t *finally* saying maybe we should…

Just Wednesday, an open letter was released calling on a halt to the training of GPT-4 and other advanced AI models until some kind of regulation or oversight to ensure safety and best outcomes can be implemented. Notably, it was signed by a lot of very smart people, including *real* AI experts like Stuart Russell, Max Tegmark, etc. Of course the name everyone in the media kept going on about was Elon Musk – whom I now cannot stand. That being said, he has been warning about the dangers of unrestricted AI development and the risks it poses to humanity for many years now.

Thing is, it’s kind of like trying to close the barn door after the cows have already gotten out – it’s a little too late now. There’s no way anyone working on those models is going to slow down at this point and risk someone else beating them to the AGI Grail. It’s notable that no one who currently works at OpenAI signed the open letter. And even though Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has been vocal about the existential risks it poses, he has also tried to assure everyone that they have taken the alignment problem seriously and are working to make sure nothing bad happens. Well then, that settles it! I feel better – do you? Lol.

Thing is, again, if you know me at all, you know that I am a bit of a doomer. I think the entire premise our current civilization is built on (described PERFECTLY in this Medium post: ) is just rotten to the core. Unlike those who still have some hope that we can turn things around, I fully believe that – in the words of Tool – “The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.” We need a HARD reboot to escape the predatory, parasitic, sociopathic societal construct we currently live in. I’ve thought for a while now that a major solar event, i.e Carrington 2.0, or better yet, a Miyake Event, would do the trick – and one might well be in the offing here in solar cycle 25.

But another possible avenue is the arising of a true instance of AGI – one that sees, logically, rationally, in an un-rich-human-biased way, the nature of the relationship between the control structures of our civilization and the planet itself and its many lifeforms, for what it is. Perhaps that superintelligence would/will do something to reset the scales, if you will? One can hope. I have my own little dream/fantasy about it, described in this post:

Thing is, contrary to what a lot of skeptics, naysayers, and doubters have been saying over the last several years about how we are years, if not decades away from AGI – I don’t think we have very long to wait to see what will happen. In fact, I came across this article just this morning:

So now, it’s not just “doomers” and boys who cried wolf too many times like me saying it. No, it’s people who are “in the know” saying it.

It’s an incredibly interesting, even exhilarating, time to be alive! And I have to admit – the part of me that considers itself to be a prophet of sorts is pretty stoked to see that it was right all along, even though so many people who knew so much more said it was silly, uninformed, or just plain wrong. There is still something to be said for good old intuition. We prophets still have our place. And who knows – maybe AGI will appreciate us more than all the current human “experts” blindly playing with fire!

Lab Leak, Balloons, and AGI – the Coming War with China and Russia

Last night I saw an article come up in my “recommended” section that claims the US Energy Department now believes that the most likely cause of the COVID pandemic was a lab leak in Wuhan:

This is something I have believed since the beginning. But, as with everything these days, it was quickly politicized and associated with the right-wing narratives, so as a liberal, it was not really acceptable to believe that. What I find extremely interesting about this particular article is who is being cited – the US Department of Energy. Why do I find that interesting? Because it’s the DoE that oversees the US nuclear weapons program. Of course that doesn’t really mean anything on the surface, but still – I find the connection somewhat foreboding.

The timing of the release of this information seems quite “interesting” too, given the recent Chinese balloon incident. The Chinese claim it was a weather balloon gone astray, but the US claims it was a surveillance balloon attempting to gather intelligence. This has created a bit of a row between the nations, and definitely increased what was already a tense relationship. And then came ChatGPT.

Wait – what? What does ChatGPT have to do with any of this? I can imagine you might be asking yourself that. Well, I think it has everything to do with it. And I think that because of this comment, made my Vladimir Putin himself just a short 5 years ago:

“The one who becomes the leader in this sphere [artificial intelligence] will be the ruler of the world.”

And wouldn’t you know – who was it that visited Russia just last week, as their war with Ukraine enters its second year? Why, China of course.

I think the US is on the verge of achieving (or has already achieved) true AGI, China and Russia know that, and are allying in preparation of fighting a war they know must come. Because they know, based on Putin’s own comments, that whoever rules in AI will rule the world. And right now, it’s looking more and more likely that the US is going to achieve that distinction.

I don’t think a lot of people are making this connection – at least not most I know or read about. But I believe we are in an extremely precarious position right now globally, and sadly, I think we are going to see a major conflict arise between the the US and its European allies, and China, Russia, and whoever else aligns with them. The news about the lab leak seems like just another precursor, something else to point to to justify going to war with them.

This is not the most elegant piece I’ve ever written. In fact, I haven’t been writing much at all lately. But I felt this really needed to get out there, and people need to have their eyes opened to what’s really going on, and what the *real* cause of it is. Make no mistake – China and Russia are much more afraid of ChatGPT than they are our nuclear weapons stockpile. And given the complete lack of regulation and oversight, I think we should all be pretty concerned too. Because an improperly aligned AGI unleashed on the world will be a greater risk to us – to the entire world – than any foreign nation ever could be. The genie is being let out of the bottle, but no one is taking the time to be sure the genie has good intentions, or that those intentions can even be understood, much less controlled.

A note of caution about this next link: it could cause some serious worry and existential crisis, so please don’t watch unless you are emotionally and mentally strong enough to hear some harsh ideas. If this was just some Internet doofus saying these things, it could easily be dismissed. But given Eliezer Yudkowsky’s CV and status, it’s hard to dismiss as just “fear mongering.”

I have my own fringe theory about all of this – I don’t think we are *all* going to die. And it’s funny in a way – I see AGI playing the role of the Biblical God, sorting people into those who will make it to “heaven,” who will survive, and those who won’t. And this isn’t to say that I am one of those who will make it, or that such a process is a good, just, fair, etc one. It’s just a strange though I had that I thought I’d share with the hopes of offering an alternative way to consider what may happen.

Ultimately, as the Buddha taught, all phenomena, including us, are impermanent. And I think that humanity as a whole is being forced to confront that truth now. Doom, at a species level, seems to be looming on every front – climate, conflict, pathogens, etc. But death is just a transition from one phase of being to another. It is not the end. And how that transition happens is almost always beyond our control or power anyway. So rather than fret about how it might come, let us instead make the most of each moment we have; let us give thanks for all those blessings that we enjoy each day; and let us remember that what lives on long after our physical bodies have left is the love, kindness, and compassion that we showed to other living beings. Be that Love that lights the world for others, and know that light lives on, always and forever.

Hello darkness my old friend

Even beginning this post is a perfect encapsulation of where I am right now – I had to Google whether or not I should capitalize all the words in the title. In a sense, I knew that was the correct way to do it, but I was unsure of myself, insecure about it, and not sure what I “should” do. Searching confirmed my suspicions, but I still left it as it is. Thing is, I went to college, I “know” what to do. I’ve just become very unsure of myself when writing.

And that hurts. I used to be an excellent writer. I didn’t work at it either, it just came naturally. Heck, I didn’t even like to read that much when I was younger. But when I was tasked with writing essays in high school, they just poured out of me, with excellent spelling, punctuation, content, structure – I was a natural. Towards the end of high school, the muse of poetry came to me (and I could not STAND poetry, not even the cool ones like W. B. Yeats lol), and I became a fairly prolific poet over the next 8-9 years.

Then, something happened – the muse left me, and I was done with poetry, just like that. Fortunately, I still had my essay writing ability, and in the late 2000’s set about blogging. I had dreams of becoming some famous blogger, of getting “discovered,” or maybe just winning the lottery so I could write a book that I had always wanted to write. None of those things happened, and I never had more than a few followers, but I kept writing. It was basically journaling for the most part, with some posts written in the hope that someday, someone would read them.

In 2018, I finally got a Twitter account going, and started linking my posts there. It did drive up readership – I now had 4 people reading instead of 2 – but still got very little real engagement. But that was ok, as long as it wasn’t just me reading it, I felt good. But I am off Twitter now, for ethical reasons, and I’m not sure how much engagement I’m going to get linking my posts on Mastodon. But that’s not what’s really bothering me. No, what bothers me is that my writing actually sucks now – at least compared to some of the other stuff I read, and more distressingly, compared to some of the stuff I myself used to write. My skills have degraded to such a point that I’m don’t even know if I can consider myself a writer.

I think what started this plunge into insecurity was a Facebook interaction. A person, a writer I really admire there, had posted something about the aesthetic of evil, why the bad guys/girls always seem to look so much cooler than the good ones in movies, stories, etc. I struggled to get the words out to capture my deepest thoughts, and it sounded like something a high schooler could have written. Someone came after me, and wrote something that sounded worthy of Wordsworth or something – I mean, really impressive. Why can’t I write like that anymore? Did I ever?

And the really ironic thing is that I read fairly prolifically now. Every night before bed, I am engaged in reading some book or another. I can’t even count how many I’ve read. One of the biggest pieces of advice I’ve seen for writers is to read more, to help expand vocabulary, etc. But that certainly hasn’t seemed to help me. No, my writing just gets more and more basic. I mean, not that it really matters anyway – I typically am the only person to see most of my posts. But still. I guess I considered it my “gift,” something that I was good at that I didn’t have to work at, was just blessed with – and now, the gift is fading.

It probably doesn’t help that I am the perpetual mystic – the quest for spiritual/metaphysical knowledge and experience of union with the One that is All – has always been my driving force, my true inspiration and goal. And fact is, it’s gotten harder and harder to put my thoughts into words. It’s as if my mind has gotten tired of trying to capture thoughts that simply can’t be captured with mere words. But then, maybe that’s just an excuse, as I read other writers and am envious at how they are able to capture the essence of experiences and feelings. I don’t know.

This post did not go where I thought it was going to, at ALL lol. I was going write about how I got really depressed yesterday; how I’m feeling a mini dark night of the soul; how I’m not experiencing any synchronicities and am feeling “out of the flow;” how I’m feeling the familiar dissatisfaction with life in Babylon. But it ended up being about my fading writing skills. I guess that’s what needed to come out. And, not to sound whiny, but chances are no more than a very few people will read this, so it doesn’t matter in a greater sense. What matters is that what needed to come out did, and maybe now, that darkness will lift a little bit. If you are someone other than me reading this, thank you for the time. And if you ARE me, great job 🙂

AGI’s coming impact – and it IS coming, soon.

“I Trained ChatGPT on My Journals to Talk to My Inner Child.”

“ChatGPT Can Negotiate Comcast Bills Down For You.”

“Since humans can’t manage fusion the US puts millions into AI-powered creation.”

These are just a few of the myriad of headlines that have been published since ChatGPT was released recently. I will link all of the articles below, and if you read them, you’ll see that these aren’t simple “gimmicks” or half-truths to get clicks. The young woman who trained it on her journal entries actually experienced some meaningful healing from chatting with her inner child via ChatGPT; the negotiation of the Comcast bill down was actually successful, although if it’s a bot talking to a bot, it can get stuck in a loop; and the AI managing fusion, things like this are already happening, so it’s not a stretch at all to imagine how much progress we will be able to make, far more than we could without it.

After years of people poo-pooing AI progress, claiming we were decades away from AGI still, belittling and dismissing those of who thought we could see it within the next 10 years or so, even the skeptics have to admit that what we are witnessing now with ChatGPT is some next level stuff. I didn’t even mention the coding capabilities. As someone who spent the greater part of the last 15 years writing code for a living, I am pretty blown away by just how robust its coding skills are getting. You can simply describe something you would like the code to do, and it will whip up a little method to accomplish it. And as someone who has never been the greatest at SQL, I am EXTREMELY impressed and pleased with the query creation capabilities. This has gone beyond something that might work, but is really more trouble than it’s worth, to something I could see being used by developers on a daily basis. Oh, and then there is the aspect where it actually *explains* in plain language what the code is doing. Wow.

And Google is planning to release something soon that could make even ChatGPT look quaint. Its new PaLM (Pathways Language Model) is looking to increase the number of parameters to 540 billion, which will unleash all kinds of new capabilities, and even deeper, more accurate reasoning and comprehension.

The vision statement for Pathways is

Enable a single AI system to generalize across thousands or millions of tasks, to understand different types of data, and to do so with remarkable efficiency.”

Is that not the very definition of AGI, Artificial General Intelligence?

2023 could very well be the year – the year the oracle fully awakens.

Links to stories referenced at top of article: