The gaslighting of the prophets

This post has been gestating for a while, but for whatever reason, I’ve been putting off actually writing it. Then last night, I was cleaning up some old notes I have stored in a note app on my phone and came across this quote, which I liked so much that I wrote down and saved it:

“The individual seeker after truth may gain enlightenment, but for himself alone, not for humanity. Therefore a magician confines the wisdom he acquires to his own bosom, or imparts it to a single pupil, or buries it under obscure expressions which he commits to parchment; but he neither can nor will impart it without reserve to humanity whose path appears to lead downward into a constantly deeper night.” ~ Viktor Rydberg, The Magic of the Middle Ages

That quote is even more intriguing when you take into consideration that that book was published in 1879 – long before the covid pandemic, the advent of nuclear weapons, visible impacts of climate change, etc, etc. But even back then, humanity was viewed by some as being on a path “downward into a constantly deeper night;” or at least by the mystic who wrote that book. And that’s probably an important distinction, because mystics, prophets, shamans, etc, seem to have a different view of humanity than most people. And admittedly, it can be a pretty bleak view, as is showcased by that quote.

However, that does not mean, as I have seen suggested by some people on Twitter recently, that we cynical mystics are actually RESPONSIBLE for what’s going wrong in the world because we are spreading “negativity” and “doom and gloom.” That’s like saying those who are calling out the alarm about climate change are responsible for “creating” the climate emergency we are now experiencing. That’s simply not true – they are merely calling our attention to something that has come about as a result of people IGNORING the pleas of those who have cared for decades. And the same can be said about the current psychic/moral/spiritual state of humanity. We did not create this situation – no. In fact, we have been crying out to any and all who would listen for EONS to try to call people’s attention to the fact that if our species didn’t change, if we didn’t refocus our priorities, if we didn’t learn to value life – ALL life – more than prestige or material wealth, we, the entire planet and all its inhabitants, were headed for trouble, for very hard times.

Did people listen? Certainly, a few (very few) did, and still do/are. But many of us have been crucified, burned at the stake, excommunicated, banished, silenced, persecuted, etc, etc because the fact is, it’s much easier to just go with the status quo. And let’s face it – it’s a lot more comfortable too. One has only to look at the current covid pandemic and see just how hard it is to get people in the west to make the HUGE sacrifice of wearing a mask to prevent the spread of a contagion that can kill or disable people to see just how little appetite most people have for doing anything, no matter how small, that might inconvenience them in any way. And that’s not to say that all mystics are pillars of morality or doing the right thing, and not to say I am for sure. It’s merely to serve as one example of how hard it is to get people to do anything they don’t want to, especially if it threatens their comfort.

So where we are now as a species, it was all foretold to happen, many times, by many different teachers and traditions across the ages. We were warned that if we didn’t change our ways, we would suffer severe consequences. And we were given a VERY long leash – at least 2000 years, and one could argue, even longer. What we are seeing happen now with pandemics, droughts, fires, floods, deadly heat waves, water shortages – it’s exactly what we were told was coming. I think most people are surprised to see the actual severity of what’s happening, so when someone like me posts something about it, they get angry that I’m not posting something hopeful, because that’s what they really need right now – some hope that everything is going to be ok. And I totally understand that, I do.

And here is the real rub – on a deeper level, concerning what’s truly real, everything IS going to be ok. In fact, it’s going to be awesome – eventually. I say all the time, there is something wonderful waiting for all of us just on the other side of this, and I believe that to the core of my being. That being said, no amount of prayers, energy, sending of “love and light” is going to change what’s coming now. We are living in the age of consequences – and there are several to be experienced based on what humanity has done, and not done, over the ages. There’s no “get out of tribulation free” card. It’s cause and effect, one of the the laws of the universe that applies to both the physical and spiritual realms.

This does not mean however that everything really is doom and gloom – that there’s no hope at all, that we should all be nihilistic – because there is a lot of spiritual progress to be made by individuals, or even small groups at this time. This could very well be the most challenging time ever, psychologically speaking, for a human being to live during. Daily, we are confronted with another existential threat to our continued existence as a species. And while some are in the realm of “could happen,” like the nuclear threat, what’s happening with the climate is an “already underway, going to get worse” kind of situation that we can see having worldwide impacts. One can look at all that and get despondent or anxious, which is a totally normal reaction. But one can also look to prophecy, see that this was foretold, and take comfort in knowing what time it is – and that, in the words of a Hopi elder, “This could be a good time!”

So know that we prophets and mystics don’t want, never have wanted, what’s happening now to happen. But to deny where we are, to try to avoid or wish it away, or blame it on those of us who saw it coming – none of that helps right now. We need to move on to the 5th stage of grief, past the denial, anger, bargaining, and depression, and get to acceptance. Only then can we harness the power of this moment for our spiritual development in a manner few humans have ever been fortunate enough (crazy as that sounds) to experience. It is possible to hold joy and deep sadness in one’s heart, at the same time even, and we who feel this way do so on the daily. And yes, it is important to give the positive aspect equal time, and I have perhaps been slack on that – at least in my public postings. Perhaps I will work on that, to display more balance. One might read my posts and think, as some have pointed out to me lately, that I focus too much on the negative. I’m not that way in “real life,” not at all.

We are living in a very special, albeit very difficult, and challenging time. There are many things to be endured, both externally, and internally. But there is a Source of strength and hope available to us all, at all times, if only we seek it out. Those who wish to endure unto the end of this age have that opportunity, if they so wish. Know that it won’t be easy, but the reward will be immeasurable. For none of us were created that we should perish, but that we should awaken to the Life everlasting that is the true Source of all being. I will leave you with this verse, one of my absolute favorites to give me hope when I am struggling. Many blessings to you on your Path. Know that the Light is always there, always available, no matter how dark it may seem…

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

The Third Horse – a Vision

The Third Horse – it’s riding towards us now

I’ve been putting off writing this post for a while for two primary reasons. First, I didn’t want to post something of a predictive nature if it was just simply thoughts I came up with in my head. And that’s even more important when you consider the second reason, which is the fact that it’s pretty dire, rather dark. I know there’s already so much out there to cause concern, worry, fear, etc. I was reticent to put something else out to add to that. But a number of different things have happened over the last 2-3 weeks that seemed to be guiding me to go ahead and post this, and so I am. If there’s one thing I have learned, it’s that it’s not really about me or what I think is “best” all the time. Sometimes, the stuff just wants to get out. And if I don’t do my part – well, it will just keep bugging me to until I give in lol.

I’ve thought since it first hit that covid is a sign – a sign that we had entered a new age, one I like to call the “Age of Consequences.” A number of things bolstered that belief, in particular this article I came across:

Here’s just a little excerpt:

“It strikes me as ironic that the coronavirus was given the name COVID-19 by the World Health Organization. Strangely, COVID bears the same consonants as Cavod or Kavod,כבוד, the ancient Hebrew word for glory, honor, or divine Presence. I’m reminded that in the Torah, Moses begs God: Har’eni na et KVOD-echa! Please show me your glorious KVD Presence! Show me Your face!”

Did you know that in the Kabbalah, Kavod is a code word for Shechinah? She is Mother Nature, the Power of Creation, who is the 1 who receives from and fountains back to the 9other (masculine) faces of divinity. Therein lies the 19 of Kovid-19. 

Wow! What if we understood KOVID-19 — this horrific virulent virus (our ancestors would surely call it a plague) — as Shechinah’s formidable face showing up today to admonish us, correct us, love us back into our rightful place as creatures, not masters, of this earth? Let’s ask: What can I do to put myself back in alignment with Heaven, with Mother Nature, with the Power that is Greater than us all?”

That certainly fit a lot of my beliefs about it, and I especially liked the tie-in of the the Divine Feminine, the Shechinah, whom I and many others believe is set to return in all Her majesty very, very soon. And the personification of Mother Nature. I have said SOOO many prayers to our Mother Earth to just be done with us already – to just end the awful experiment of greed and colonialism that this species has become and return the planet to the animals, the trees, the rivers, mountains, insects. Seems to me we have done nothing but spoil this paradise, turned Heaven increasingly into Hell, and totally lost our way. So the idea of Her coming back, doing so through nature, and “admonishing and correcting” us – that resonated deeply with me.

And so it is that the covid pandemic has gone on and on, with seemingly no end in sight. Because the fatality rate is so “low” – and I say that gingerly, knowing of 4 people personally who died of covid during the Delta wave, wasn’t “low” for them – and so many people think it’s “mild,” they – governments, businesses, most people – have decided to let it rip. And rip it is, churning out new variants at an ever increasing pace. And the fact that we haven’t seen a truly deadly one yet, like something with a 25-35% case fatality rate, is sheer luck or Divine Grace – but it’s not “expected” as so many minimizers and deniers think.

Of course there is the specter of long covid, and millions of people, even young people, are already experiencing it. One might think that the idea of spreading it to others would be enough to make most people at least make the tiniest bit of effort to slow or stop spread by wearing masks. But oh no – they can’t be bothered with that, because NOTHING is as important as their individual freedumb. It doesn’t matter that you or your loved ones might be killed or disabled by the virus. It was “mild” for them, and that’s all the validation and reasoning they need to live as they wish, no care or concern for others. And sadly, even many of those who were once careful have fallen into the “have to live with it” camp – again, never mind that for many people, “living with it” means living with a chronic condition that could render them unable to work, enjoy life, or possibly even cause early death by stroke, etc. That’s where we are.

Then, as if that wasn’t rough enough, another contagion comes onto the scene – monkeypox. Here, we have something that causes visible lesions and pustules, and would presumably be something that no one in our overly materialistic and vain culture would want. I thought when it came out, “Certainly, people will try to avoid this. I mean, who wants to be on Instagram looking like THAT?” Ah, but the magic of minimization, and the old “blame it on gay sex” trope has made sure that it has spread at a completely unprecedented and unbelievable rate – all while most people can’t even get tested for it unless they are gay, sexually active men. One might be inclined to think that they would have learned lessons from the covid pandemic. And boy, did they! They learned how to minimize, misinform, and mislead people to the point that the average person has no idea what’s happening, let alone the fact that it *can* spread via aerosol transmission.

As all this was happening, a thought, insight, vision, prediction, whatever you want to call it, popped into my head. We are at strike 2, and if people don’t take monkeypox seriously, we are going to get hit with a third strike, and it will be devastating – like, on a new level devastating. Because covid has been devastating for millions of people. And the long term health issues are going to be devastating for millions, maybe billions more. The message I got was that covid was a first test – something that could kill, but didn’t have an extremely high fatality rate. Still, it kills indiscriminately, and even young, healthy people have died from it. It’s invisible, you can get it and not even show symptoms, so the whole idea is that it’s a test of compassion – do people care enough about others to make some very minor personal sacrifices, like wearing a freakin’ mask – oh, the horror! – or do they take for granted the fact that maybe it was mild for them if they got it, and run with selfishness and apathy? We all know how that’s going.

Now, there’s monkeypox. Here’s something that, as far as I know, doesn’t appear to be (and I say appear, because I don’t honestly know as of now) killing too many people. But it sounds like it’s very painful, very unpleasant and can leave some rather unsightly scars, especially if it happens to attack the face. And I’ve heard some stories about it getting into people’s eyes, causing them to lose their vision. Would people take the steps necessary to avoid the spread of this, knowing that it could cause pain, possible permanent visible scarring, partial blindness in some cases, and other effects we don’t entirely know about yet? How would humanity handle this test – would it be strike 2?

I’m no umpire, but it sure looks like a strike to me. Sure, there was a little flattening there for a few days, but one can see a few of those along the way – and up, up, up it goes.

And this is where it gets a bit dark. I mean, everything I’ve presented so far is just what’s happening now, and it’s admittedly pretty damn dark. It’s frustrating, depressing, disappointing, unbelievable, maddening – all these things. Because those of us who actually care, and can see where this is leading, feel like we are screaming into the void as all these “back to normal” zombies run towards the freedumb they so desire. Well, there is a certain freedom that comes in death…

And I think, at least what my intuition is telling me, that we are on the verge of experiencing the third strike. I’ve had a few experiences, as I mentioned in the beginning, that finally convinced me to write this piece. So if it turns out to be completely wrong, I blame “them” – the voices in my head! Lol. But I digress in disclaimer – the images below are what finally put me over the line, and inspired me to write this down. These were generated from the prompt “the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse” being entered into the new image generation AI program DALL-E:

The 3 Horsemen
3 Angry Horses

“What do those have to do with writing this article?” you might ask. Well, you probably noticed that there are not 4 horses or horsemen in those images, but 3. Which in and of itself, wouldn’t really mean much. But considering the fact that I have been sitting on this idea of 3 strikes, 3 plagues, 3 whatevers, for a couple of weeks now and wondering if I should write about it or not, well… I mean, if the images all had 4 people/horses in them, I wouldn’t even be posting this. And to be fair, 2 of the 6 images rendered did have 4 people/horses. But 4 of them, 67% of them, had only 3 objects, which is a pretty high level of inaccuracy for an AI program of that level. Sure, it could be coincidence, or explained algorithmically. But to me, it was a message to write this.

Now, for what reason, I don’t really know. I would say to warn people that something else, something much more deadly, might be coming soon, and to be extremely vigilant and careful regarding personal health measures and spiritual practice. But then, I think most people who follow my stuff probably already do those things. I could be wrong – it does happen once in a while lol. Maybe it’s my ego, wanting to get something out to be able to say “I called it!” when/if it does happen. Of course, I’ve learned the hard way that that’s a great way to set oneself up, because the Universe has a funny way of not following predictions. Or maybe it’s to spur discussion. Maybe other people will read something here that resonates with them, strikes a chord, reminds them of a vision or dream they had, and it will provide an affirmation of sorts. I honestly don’t know.

But I have decided that at this time, I am going to stop questioning “why?” when compelled to write stuff like this and am just going to do it. I keep a good amount of stuff in for fear of being ‘wrong’ or making people mad if I predict something that doesn’t come to pass. And to that end I will say, as I always do, I could be, probably am, TOTALLY full of it, and nothing like this will happen. But, BUT – what does it hurt one to take extra precautions to guard against covid and monkeypox, which are already out and spreading? And it is always a good time to enlarge and deepen one’s spiritual practice, especially in trying, turbulent times such as these. It’s truly a win-win, and so there’s really no good reason not to put this out, right?

Hopefully, you didn’t say anything, because I’m hitting “Publish” now 🙂 If anything in this resonated with you, leave a comment below, or hit me up on twitter with some feedback. We’re in this together, and as the Hopi elder said, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Many blessings to all who read this…