Did I Write this Post – or Did AI…?

Sounds like a silly question, doesn’t it? Well of COURSE I wrote this post! But is it really a silly question? According to this article from Forbes, we might have to start asking that question much more frequently:

AI Can Now Write Amazing Content

Now as a writer myself, that sounded pretty scary actually – to think that I could be replaced by AI. Ok, so I’m not really a professional writer, so I don’t think there would be much of a use case for replacing me – no one is going to save any money on that lol. But I had to wonder – is there a chance that someday, it won’t be worth pursuing a career as a writer..? Might AI be able to create content better than humans?

It would seem that in some instances, it is already doing pretty well. According to the article, it is already being used for sports reporting, financial planning documents, and other items that might not seem to require a lot of true creativity. But apparently, there are also AI bots out there writing poetry, and one even wrote a novel (links to those in the Forbes article linked above). I haven’t checked out the novel yet, but definitely plan to. I did check out a site that hosts an AI writer and allows you to submit an article title, which the AI will then use to write a piece. I was a bit relieved when I read the output and discovered that it didn’t sound nearly as coherent or awesome as the stuff I write. You can check out the piece here:

AI Wrote This

But it seems pretty evident that as AI continues to learn and expand – especially with the use of quantum computing and leveraging “fuzzy logic” – it will become better and better at writing. And indeed, there might come a time when articles will need to be labelled “Human-created” or “AI-created.” I guess the real question would eventually be, which one would people prefer – who would be the better writers? It’s easy enough to say that we always will. But considering the fact that we don’t know for absolute certainty what true consciousness requires, and there is a chance that AI could become sentient, it seems these questions are becoming increasingly more valid – and urgent.

So I promise now – if any of my posts are written by AI in the future, I will flag them as such. Whether or not this post was written by a human or AI – I’ll let you be the judge of that.

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